ATTENTION! Quality goods are accepted back only when they are unpackaged and in perfect condition.

According to EU law, goods can be returned within 14 days with proof of purchase.

*You can return purchased goods after coming to our stores.

*If you want to return the goods, but you don't have the opportunity to come to our store, contact us and a courier will come to pick up the goods from you. The customer pays for the delivery of the goods back to the stores.

* The money paid for the delivery service is not refundable.

* For a canceled transaction, the money is returned to the buyer within 14 working days.

The buyer, who believes that his rights have been violated, must contact the Seller in writing no later than three months from the day of the violation and
state your requirements. The seller must examine the request free of charge within 14 days at the latest and
provide a detailed reasoned written answer based on documents. If the problem cannot be solved,
The buyer has the right to apply to the entity that resolves consumer disputes out of court (State consumer
rights protection service, address Vilniaus st. 25, LT-01402 Vilnius, or to the court.

Link to the Electronic Dispute Resolution Platform:

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